Friday, May 23, 2008

Learning Objectives, are the GPS of Learning

Most of us in the training industry would agree that Learning Objectives (LOs) are to us what a road map or a GPS is to a driver. Well! That makes them sound super cool, let's find out what's all the hype about…

An objective is a statement that describes the intended result of an instruction, in other words, what the learner will be able to do at the end of the training program.

That doesn't sound super-cool. So what's the hype about?

LOs when articulated well can explicitly and precisely state the behavior and the performance expected from a learner at end of the course.

Now how about that?

Learning objectives' aim to describe specific, measurable, and observable behaviors, that communicate the intent of the instructional and the goals of the course.
Objectives set design and assessment criteria for the expected learning.

This keeps getting better…and better…
and now for the icing on the cake…the benefits of learning objectives…

Objectives help both instructional designers and students to focus on learning.

  • Direct their focus on learning
  • Define the scope of learning
  • Ensure effective learning
  • Understand the importance of learning
  • Help to make the course cohesive
  • Provide focus to the subsequent design process
  • Provide a basis for testing/assessing learning

What do you say, aren’t the LOs the GPS of learning........